Many of our customers purchase boards to make cabinets, furniture and countertops. We also make custom cabinets and furniture for our clients.
Chestnut TableGranary Board White Pine Table
Available in white pine, hemlock, white oak and chestnut. Granary boards, threshing floors, attic and loft floors are favorites of our customers for these projects.
Wide flooring is milled from barn boards that have great color, character, length and width. Each board is hand selected then wire brushed to clean it and denailed to prepare it for milling.
Boards are then straight line ripped and thickness planed into finished flooring. Available in white pine, hemlock, oak and chestnut.
White Pine
Has a pumpkin pine color, great character, exceptional width and length. A favorite for 300 years.
White Pine Wide Flooring
Same great color, character, width and length as white pine but harder with more grain.
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Beams are resawn into 1″ boards and then made into finished flooring. Same tight grain, lighter color and less character than flooring made from boards. A very elegant formal look. Available in oak, chestnut and heart pine.
Resawn White Oak
Very hard,nice character and color,often quarter sawn our top seller.
Resawn Flooring, White Oak
Warm color, nice grain. Exceptionally beautiful when wormy, softer than oak makes a very handsome floor.
Resawn Flooring, Chestnut
Heart Pine
Very tight grain, almost as hard as oak, great widths and lengths.
Threshing floor is usually 1 1/2″ to 2 1/4″ thick and is 10″ – 20′ wide.
It is ideal for tables and countertops and is available in white oak, white pine and chestnut.
White Oak
White Oak Threshing Board FloorThreshing Board Floor
Mushroom board is usually hemlock and sometimes cypress and have exceptional character. They are typically 8″ wide. Great for ceilings or walls. Mushroom board is available in 3 grades, Grade A is a perfect substitute for brown barn siding.